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- Principal's Message
- Don College War on Waste
- Midyear Assessments
- Legal Studies 2
- Hospitality Students Visit Melbourne
- Hospitality students show their skills
- UTAS subjects at Don
- UNICEF Australia Young Ambassador Training
- Reyne Makes National Basketball Team
- Wellbeing Corner
- Start the Chat About CyberSafety
- Don College Schoolzine App - SZapp
Certificate III Hospitality students are trying to cut back waste and we all know that take away coffee cups are a big problem as they end life in land fill. Don College students have implemented a system where take away orders of hot drinks will be served in a ‘mug’. This mug is returned to deposit sites and washed, ready for another drink. All mugs have been sourced from donations. It is great to see our students taking action to preserve our planet. The sum of many small changes can make a big difference.
Parents will be aware that students have just completed their midyear assessments. This is an excellent opportunity for students to evaluate their progress in the middle of the year.
All students completed a major assessment in some form. Pre-tertiary students complete a simulated final exam under exam conditions, while other students complete an assessment exercise covering the work covered to this point in the year.
It is important for students to view this time as a way to improve marks or prepare for final assessments.

Hospitality Students Visit Melbourne
On the 1st of June a group of 13 Certificate III in Hospitality students set sail aboard the Spirit of Tasmania, for an hospitality excursion of a life time. Once we settled into our accommodation and had some breakfast, we made our way into the city to explore the Victoria Markets and the Crown Casino. Students were given the task to be the tour Leader, so they were responsible for navigating maps and the public transport system. After visiting these locations we made our way to Luna Park for the afternoon, the students were very excited to see their teachers on the dodgem cars, it turns out that it was the students verses the teachers, I think the teachers won!
After we dragged ourselves away from Luna Park it was time for our evening meal. Students were amused at the choice of restaurant, Soda Rock, an American Diner, where the wait staff are on roller skates, and entertain guests with a dance mid-way through the evening. It was the perfect way to end an action packed day.
Monday soon rolled around and we were on our way to William Angliss, a Hospitality Training College. We had a guided tour around the magnificent learning space, and saw the teaching areas of Resort and Hotel Management, Culinary Management and Aviation (Cabin Crew). We were fortunate enough to meet up with a Don College ex-student, Rebeka Boerma who participated in the 2018 Melbourne trip, and decided she wanted to study at William Angliss.
Lunch time was then upon us and he were totally spoiled at Ian Curley’s French Saloon Restaurant. Students and teachers were waited on supremely, and we thoroughly enjoyed the four courses of fine dining food. As evening approached we headed to the channel ten studios to watch an episode of The Project being filmed.
Tuesday we were touring Marvel stadium where we were able to see all aspects of the stadium, and we were lucky enough to have the manager of the hospitality services speak to us about employment opportunities at the stadium. The chance to wait on the likes of Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran certainly had some students thinking about their career choices.
We then were due at Pure South Restaurant, to meet with Philip Kennedy the manager/owner of Pure South. Philip spoke to us about the incredible Tasmanian produce he uses, and about the attributes needed to work in a fast paced restaurant. His executive chef David Hall, gave us a demonstration on curing salmon and filleting fish. Lunch was ready and this was amazing.
It was time on Tuesday afternoon, to head to Station Pier to end an exciting and fulfilling Melbourne trip.
Hospitality students show their skills
It is traditional for the last performance of a show to be celebrated with a cake. Hospitality students decorated the cake for Legally Blonde, and they did a magnificent job!
Grade 12 students at Don College have the opportunity of studying UTAS Object Design and other UTAS subjects. These subjects are studied at Don College and delivered by Don staff. University of Tasmania staff mentor students and provide the final assessment.
This is a excellent opportunity for students at Don College to experience University level study.
Object design work is exhibited every year in the College Library and the paranaple Arts Centre from September 25th. Well worth a look.
Lani presenting her design proposal to UTAS mentors for Object Design- textiles.
This year the theme for design work is “Earthworks”. Lani explained her design idea which will symbolically illustrate oil slicks on a fabric dress.UNICEF Australia Young Ambassador Training
The UNICEF Australia Young Ambassador (UA YA) training aims to equip a group of young people aged 15-24 with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to join UNICEF Australia in advocating for children’s rights. Official program runs for one year from July 2019 – June 2020, commencing with a five day training. Young Ambassadors (YAs) will be staying in group accommodation in Sydney from Friday night to Wednesday morning.
Mason Wright from Don College is participating in this programme. It is an amazing opportunity to take a leadership role in this advocacy work.
Reyne Makes National Basketball Team
Year 11 student Reyne Smith has been selected in the Australian u/17 Basketball team after a tough weekend away at a selection camp at the AIS in Canberra.
The tournament, which will be held in New Caledonia from August 19-24, is the first step for the 2021 FIBA Under-19 World Cup.
These teams will be aiming to finish in the top two of the Under-17 Oceania Championships which will advance them to next year’s Under-18 Asian Championships and success there will see them earn qualification for the Under-19 World Cup in 2021.
Reyne will have a busy time ahead combining his study and training load. We wish him every success with both activities.
Henry Ford was the founder of the Ford Motor Company and known for the development of the assembly line technique of mass production. Although Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, he manufactured a car affordable enough for the middle-class.
He is well-known for his success but had many failures along the way. He is also known for his many quotes about being successful:
“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”
“It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste.”
“One of the greatest discoveries one makes is to find we can do what we were afraid we couldn’t do.”
“Vision without execution is just hallucination.”
We can follow this example:
- Notice how important your thoughts are about the way you describe a task to yourself … “I can do this if I put in the work” as opposed to “I’ll not be able to…”
- Have a “stick to it” attitude, even when things get hard.
- Make discipline to study a habit, even when you don’t feel like it.
- Visualise/imagine yourself completing tasks, assignments, and assessments successfully and match your study habits to this picture of “believing in yourself”.
- See things as challenges to overcome, rather than obstacles that block.
Start the Chat About CyberSafety
The Online Safety, Start the Chat campaign is about helping everyone in a teenager's life to have a conversation about online safety.
This generation are the first to grow up in a fully connected digital world – for them, the online world is now just as much a part of their lives as the offline world.
With technology changing so fast, it’s important to be proactive and talk about online safety early and often.
Everybody can play an important role in helping young people to have positive and safe online experiences – including parents, teachers, carers, siblings, grandparents, mentors and sports coaches.
If you feel unsure about how to talk to teenagers about online safety, you’re not alone. eSafety has a range of tools, tips and resources to help have that conversation – whether it’s today, tomorrow or in the future.
Sexting from eSafety Office on Vimeo.