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- Enrolment for 2024 - Parent Information Evening @ Don
- 2024 Subject Enrolment Information Evening
- Principal's Message August 2023
- Parent - Teacher Progress Discussions
- Fashion Design: Chocolate Festival
- In Focus: Transition Education
- National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence
- Catering for the Premier and the Governor of Tasmania
- Fearless Festival
- Hands-On Construction
- Don College Takes the Cake
- Trivia Night Success
Enrolment for 2024 - Parent Information Evening @ Don
13 Sep 2023
4:30 PM to 7:00 PM
13 Sep 2023
4:30 PM to 7:00 PM

Secondary schools have been sent details to pass onto students to be able to book online. Otherwise phone the college office on 64240200 who will be happy to book a session for you.
13 Sep 2023
4:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Principal's Message August 2023
I feel so fortunate to be a member of the Don College community. Working daily in a positive and supportive learning environment and observing students thrive and step towards their exciting futures is very rewarding for all staff.
This week alone I had the privilege of:
- standing alongside students who provided informed and considered responses to TV crews and the Minister of Education, Roger Jaensch MP on a range of topics including bullying, the age of criminal responsibility, and youth detention.
- witnessing an amazing, professional quality, rendition of a medley performed by the Don College cast and crew of School of Rock
- watching the energy and enthusiasm, and skill, of the students trying out for the Don College teams to participate in the Tasmanian All-schools Basketball Championships
- visiting classrooms, observing quality teaching and chatting with students about their work
- participating in a Trivia night expertly organised and hosted by our Student Leadership Group
- meeting with prospective and current students and families to discuss transition and future plans. Many of our current students are planning next steps as they progress to apprenticeships, employment, further training and/or university.
I have great confidence in our young people to realise purposeful and meaningful futures and I am amazed by their range of talents and skills. Some students overtly display their strengths and confidence but for others, their hidden talents are not so obvious.
Term 3 is a time when students consolidate skills and knowledge they learned earlier in the year and they apply their learning to complex research tasks, other new learnings, folios and projects. It is exciting to see these major assessment pieces develop and to see the growth and independence of our students.
These pages provide a snapshot of some of the recent events at Don College.
John Thompson
Fashion Design: Chocolate Festival
10 Don College fashion design students have entries displayed in Latrobe shop windows and all are fabulous! Vote for your favourite from the 12th August and you might win a prize!! Pictured are designs by Zoe Whish Wilson (cake dress) and Mikayla Ivory (strawberries dipped in chocolate).
In Focus: Transition Education

Students have been very busy in the Life Skills and Community Access Program. Participation has been in work skill develop programs at the Tasmanian Arboretum. It has also involved the assistance of volunteers, harvesting produce at the Devonport Community Gardens. Highlights have been pingo at the Devonport Community House and learning cabochon skills at the Devonport Lapidary club.
The TJ kitchen is the place to be on Wednesdays as students prepare and serve meals, giving them the opportunity to hone their skills in the kitchen in preparation for independent learning and work opportunities when they leave Don College. Raymond brings considerable knowledge in the area of technology and students have had the unique opportunity to learn to code using Python and building programable Lego Robots. The confidence students have developed using unfamiliar technology has allowed them to more effectively interact in their interest areas of strength.
Craig’s maths class has been examining money, savings, budgeting and currently working on a three-week menu. They will then grow giant sunflowers, build a parachute, make rockets and investigate how time and angles can be used to accurately measure their heights from the ground.
Improvement in the weather has allowed students to enjoy fishing, walking, mountain bike riding and orienteering. Community productions have allowed students to develop social skills and cooperate as a group.
There are several students who enjoy volunteer work outside of school. James is a volunteer firefighter and Ryan often helps at the Don River Railway.
All of our students have made significant progress this year, and their learning accomplishments reflect outstanding levels of initiative and resiliency.
National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence
18 August was the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. This year’s theme is ‘Growing Connections’ and promotes the strong links and social connection in our school communities as effective ways to address and combat bullying.
We are extremely proud of what we have achieved together as a school community to make everyone feel included and safe. Of course, we all have a right to feel and be safe.
Today, may be a good day for you to have a conversation about bullying and violence at school and ask them if they feel safe and supported or have experienced or observed bullying in anyway. We can respond to concerns that are highlighted to is.
Unfortunately, bullying and violence is more than a school issue. It is an issue for our entire community, and we all have an important role to play. We are stronger when we work together.
To find out more about National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence, visit the Bullying No Way website. I have also attached a fact sheet with some helpful information.
If this letter had raised any concerns for you or your child, I encourage you to seek advice and support from one of the following organisations:
- Beyond Blue – call 1300 224 636 or visit the Beyond Blue website.
- 1800 Respect – call 1800 737 732 or visit the 1800 Respect website.
- Lifeline – call 13 11 14 or visit the Lifeline website.
- Kids Helpline – call 1800 551 800 or visit the Kids Helpline website.
- Headspace – call 03) 6231 2927 or visit the headspace website.
John Thompson is always available to talk and if you would like to speak to him about this on an individual basis, please get in touch.

Catering for the Premier and the Governor of Tasmania
Students from the Certificate II in Hospitality and Cookery courses were invited to prepare, serve and cook a three course meal for Premier Jeremy Rockliff and the Tasmanian Governor, Barbara Baker and other dignitaries last week as part of the Fearless Festival. Students also attended the Gala dinner held on Friday night at the Paranaple Convention Centre, where they heard from guest speakers including the incredible Captain Madeline Habib and Lieutenant General Natasha Fox. The students were acknowledged for their outstanding skills, and delightful way they conducted themselves throughout the two days.
We are very proud of the way our students represented Don College, well done!

Don students with Governor General of Tasmania, Barbara Baker and Captain Madeleine Habib
As part of the Fearless Festival for women in Devonport, Don College students were invited to attend a dinner at the Paranaple Centre with special guest speakers including the Governor of Tasmania, Barbara Baker and Captain Madeleine Habib. The evening was aimed at inspiring young women and showing what women with goals and support can achieve. Students who attended the evening said it was an inspiring event and had been a great opportunity for them to see amazing leaders and role models.
Guest Speaker Profile:
Madeleine Habib is a ship's captain, a humanitarian and an activist. For more than 35 years she has engaged her seafaring skills to fight for environmental causes and social justice issues around the world.
In 1995 she was the Greenpeace zodiac driver who chained herself to the nuclear drilling site at Mururoa Atoll to prevent French testing. In 2016 she was the captain of the Women's Boat to Gaza, sailing a yacht full of world leaders to break the cruel and unjust Israeli siege of Gaza.
Throughout her unconventional career Madeleine has worked on a huge variety of vessels engaged in many challenging projects. She has been captain of CSIRO’s research vessel, migrant rescue ships, a medical aid ship in Papua New Guinea and a sailing cargo ship in the Pacific.
Most recently she has been combining her maritime and humanitarian skills as shipping officer for World Food Programme. This has led her to the Horn of Africa and Haiti, creating maritime solutions to complex supply chain issues.
Madeleine has risen through the ranks of one of the world's most male dominated industries to hold an Unlimited Master's license. Women make up less than 2% of international seafarers. She is a champion for women in the maritime sector and is keen to promote opportunities for women at sea.

Our Certificate 2 in Construction Pathways class has been tasked with construction of a small shed behind the Early Childhood Education Terrapin here at Don College. The preparation required, and subsequent slab pour, has complemented some recent units of work embedded in the course.
There is nothing quite like getting out of the classroom and into the fresh morning air to reinforce new skills! Practical challenges for students included preparing the site, boxing up the slab and then getting the slab poured. It was left to cure throughout the day. The erection of the shed structure will provide the class with another construction challenge! Stay tuned…
Congratulations to Laura Mathews and Brittney Streets!
Both students were brave enough to enter the year 11 and 12 Cake Competition in Latrobe as part of Chocolate Winter Fest. Laura was first with her fairy inspired design and Brittney was second with her delicious white chocolate mousse cake. The Food and Hospitality Enterprise students worked hard in their study lines to complete the task in time. Judges were very impressed and scored the cakes 95 and 91 out of 100.

The Don College Student Leadership Group excelled in the organisation and hosting of a fun filled and high energy trivia night. Congratulations to all.
The students managed “Through the Decades” Trivia night from concept to finish and provided a wonderful evening of entertainment and fun for the staff and student participants. Event hosts, Hannah, Allira and Jaikira excelled on the microphone and were sharp with gap fillers and dealing with unpredicted queries and controversy. Summer was exceptional with the tech support and number crunching in the background.
Added to the test of trivia, the costume theme created interest. Thanks to all who went the extra mile and dressed in a decade. Thomas rated a special mention wearing his Grandfather’s classy silk shirt and bell bottom flares from the 70’s. Overall winner of the parade was Liz, dressed in her 80s inspired outfit with attention to bling and many finer details. Students also looked classy on the night in the period costumes.
The staff team, “Faulty Faculty” had the edge and took out first place, possibly due to their life and experience spanning many decades but the post 2000 students and some of the younger staff proved to be formidable opposition.
Congratulations to all…