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- Principal's Message May 2023
- May School Reports Sent Home
- Parent Teacher Evening
- Mid-Year Exams
- School of Rock
- Anzac Day
- Drama/Theatre Performance
- Senator Anne Urquhart announces funding for Don College
- Playgroup at Don
- Innovation Rewarded in Food and Hospitality
- Agfest Fashion Winners
- National Road Safety Week 2023
- From Don to Washington- Felicity Gray speaks to Don Students
- 2023 Junior Travel Assistance Program
- Rock Challenge
- No Vapes Are Safe
- Shaping the Future of Local Government
Our Autumn weather has been sensational. Clear blues skies, warm days and frosty nights have been frequent. Autumn is also reporting time. Reports inform students, parents and carers on the progress of individual students. Teachers have invested hours in preparing these reports and providing individually tailored suggestions on what to do to improve achievement. Please take time to read these reports and invest in the teacher recommendations.
The Autumn season has also coincided with a high rate of student illness, mainly colds and some COVID. We understand that students and staff must stay at home if they are displaying symptoms and their illness might be contagious. When well, it is essential that all students attend all lessons and do their best. Courses in Years 11 and 12 contain a lot of content and students must maintain a high pace of learning. Attendance to all lessons ensures students can achieve to their potential.
Last week was National Road Safety Week 2023. This is significant to all Australians as sadly, most of us have had someone near and dear suffer the tragedy of a road crash. I acknowledge the impact a single road crash can have on so many people.
Many of our students will attain their Driver’s License whilst studying at Don College so this message is pertinent. Road Safety and driving a car is a huge responsibility.
A key activity of National Road Safety week is encouragement of drivers to drive so others survive. I encourage all drivers to consider this pledge.
“I pledge to drive as if my loved ones are on the road ahead.
I will remove all distractions and never use my mobile phone while driving.
I will not put other people at risk by speeding, driving while tired or under the influence of alcohol/drugs.
I will protect all vulnerable road users, especially those whose job places them in harm’s way, by slowing down and giving them the space they need to be safe.”
We are excited in anticipation of the presentation of the Don College Musical, School of Rock opening on Friday June 16. In advance I congratulate our staff and students on their efforts in creating an amazing musical production. I am continually amazed by the range of talents our students have developed. See Don College Facebook for full details.
We also have our Mid-Year Assessment Period from June 22-29. All students will complete assessments for all subjects. This is an opportunity for students to measure their achievement so far against the standards required for successful completion of their courses. Assessments will take a variety of formats. Most Level 3 and 4 courses will conduct assessments that closely represent the End of Year External TASC exams. VET and Level 2 TASC students will complete a range of practical and theoretical activities as required.
Enjoy these last few days of Autumn and stay well.
John Thompson
25 May 2023
25 May 2023
25 May 2023
08 Jun 2023
08 Jun 2023
Parent and Student Progress Discussions will be held on June 8 from 4-7pm at Don College. Information has been included in the reports for parents about the evening.
08 Jun 2023
22 Jun 2023 - 29 Jun 2023
16 Jun 2023 - 24 Jun 2023
16 Jun 2023 - 24 Jun 2023
Don College presents School of Rock June 16-24. Tickets can be purchased here:
16 Jun 2023 - 24 Jun 2023

Don College student leader, Summer Rayner reflected on the participation in ANZAC events across the coast:
Across three ANZAC ceremonies, Devonport, Latrobe, and Ulverstone, we had five student leaders represent Don College. As a team, this was our first community involvement -honouring the brave sacrifices made by women and men. It was such a privilege to attend and represent our school, and we are all pleased we could contribute to the community. At the Latrobe service, Jaikira Grundy and Summer Rayner were able to donate two books to Sassafras Primary School. At the Devonport service, Elliot Goodwin and Hannah East laid a wreath. And at the Ulverstone service, Jada-Li Crossey also laid a wreath.
I would like to thank all members and acknowledge that their contributions are greatly appreciated. As a leadership team, we cannot wait to participate in future community events.

Above: Students experiencing the workshops at the UTAS MILE truck: Jess McQueen, Chloe Jordan, Annie Gluyas.
At Don College this week, the UTAS MILE truck has been parked on campus. Students have had the opportunity to check out a number of sessions that introduce university pathway options across several fields. These include education, paramedicine, IMAS, business, nursing, social work, agriculture, psychology, health and community services, drones and virtual reality, pharmacy and allied health.
This provided students with the opportunity to find out more about potential pathways and find out more information about university life across the three campuses across the state, as well as online study options.
It’s mid-year show time! The Class of 2023 proudly present, Every Brilliant Thing.
Every Brilliant Thing takes a candid and compassionate approach to the sensitive subject of suicidal depression. It is heartfelt and buoyant as it portrays a child’s experience of their mother’s suicide attempts. At the age of seven, the main character, who will be played by our entire class, hopes that by making a numbered list of ‘Every Brilliant Thing’ that makes life worth living, they can make their mother feel better. Their instinct is to try and cure their mother, but this list itself transforms the child: the list changes how they see the world, providing them with the resilience that will eventually save them from their mother’s fate. Please note: at no time are details about these attempts outlined, in fact, the topic of ‘suicide’ sits well beneath the greater focus of how we build our resilience in challenging times. The script is described as ‘one of the funniest plays you’ll ever see about depression’ (The Guardian UK) and ‘a perfect balance between conveying the struggles of life and celebrating all that is sweet in it’ (The Independent, London).
What would be on your list? Please come and join us for this cleverly crafted show and support the bravery and performance skills of our students.
Senator Anne Urquhart announces funding for Don College
A happy, safe learning environment is so important for students, teachers, and school communities.
As Duty Senator for Braddon, I was very pleased to recently announce that Don College will receive $25,000 for upgrading or improving existing outdoor learning spaces, and repairs or maintenance to school facilities.
The funding is part of the Federal Labor Government’s Schools Upgrade Fund and delivers on an important 2022 election commitment. Don College is one of twenty schools in the North West and West Coast that will receive a share of over $455,000 in funding.
More than 1,300 schools nationally will benefit from $32 million in grants to upgrade school infrastructure and equipment.
I am looking forward to visiting the school in the near future.
Senator Anne Urquhart
Duty Labor Senator for Braddon
Chief Government Whip in the Senate

The Children's Services class at Don have been running a playgroup for local children and their carers to access.
Here is a reflection from Summer-Lee Potter, one of the students in the class:
On Wednesday 10th of May our Working With Children class had children from Malangenna Childcare and the Devonport community come to visit our Don College playroom.
These children were 5 and under. Our class set up a variety of indoor and outdoor activities for the children to participate in.
We hope the children enjoyed their time with us and we look forward to seeing them again soon.
The playgroup provides students with the opportunity to develop the skills they need to plan for activities that are suitable for different groups of pre-school aged children in a childcare setting. It also gives students a hands-on opportunity to work with children and discover the challenges and rewards of working with this age group.
Innovation Rewarded in Food and Hospitality
Congratulations Annikah Carpenter!
Annikah won first prize for innovation in cooking with dairy, in the Statewide Schools Cooking Challenge. Annikah cooked and presented 'Paprika Chicken Marinated in Milk with a Mushroom Cream Sauce'. Annikah has won $100 to spend at Verona or Reward Hospitality in Devonport.
Don College is very proud!

Fashion Design students had a very successful and enjoyable time at Agfest.
All Don College entries won prizes in the 'Make wearable art with farm waste' competition. Italian Exchange student Samanta Selmani won overall judges' and public vote with her green frost matting and dried flowers. Laura Mathews won under-16 division with her dried fruit and vegetable design and Zoe Whish-Wilson was second in the open division with her water and plastic design (model Emily Regester).
We are so proud of you all!
From Don to Washington- Felicity Gray speaks to Don Students
Former Don College student, Felicity Gray, recently spoke to some of our students from Washington DC via Zoom. She has been working as a humanitarian for NGO Nonviolent Peaceforce, and last year this work took her to Ukraine. It was incredible to hear about Felicity’s experiences since leaving Don in 2007, and this no doubt inspired our students to think about the possibilities beyond Year 12.
2023 Junior Travel Assistance Program
The 2023-24 Junior Travel Assistance Program (JTAP) provides financial assistance to help alleviate the costs of competing in national sporting championships.
Funding will be available for Tasmanians aged 12-18 years selected to travel interstate for the purpose of representing Tasmania in a National Sporting Championships.
Click here for further information:
Junior_Travel_Assistance_Program_-_Guidelines_-_2023-2024.PDF (
Two Don College bands took part in youth festivals held in Burnie and Sheffield on April 21-22.
They also took part in the 2023 Tasmanian Rock Challenge hosts events all around the state to grow, encourage, and celebrate youth achievement in contemporary music.
The bands performed well at the events, giving the students important exposure to live performances and the opportunity to showcase their talents.
The bands from Don were:
Disciples of the Cavern (Ronan Mace, Blair Wilby, Charlee Saunders & Kye Knowles)
COM (Charlie Williams, Oscar Coward, Max Clarke & Aaron Buckley)
You can check out photos and videos from the events Links:
- Sheffield Youth Festival (2023) Photos:
- Burnie Youth Festival (2023) Photos:
Vaping and young people – No vapes are safe
The rising number of children and young people vaping is a growing issue of concern in our community.
Electronic cigarettes (vapes) can be appealing due to bright colours and flavours. But no vapes are safe. Vapes are often full of harmful chemicals and nicotine. Vapes can be addictive and harmful for lungs, brain development and general health.
It is important to talk with young people about vaping. Try to be understanding, compassionate and non-judgemental as you support them to learn more about the dangers of vaping or in seeking support to quit.
Information on what vaping is, the impacts, and how to support young people is available on the new Department for Education, Children and Young People webpage, which can be accessed here: