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- From the Principal
- Term 3 Begins
- Enrolment for 2021
- TASC News
- Hospitality - Restaurant and Café Service Update
- Food, Cooking and Nutrition 2C
- Health and Wellbeing - Holiday Reset
- Bus Service Update
- UNICEF - Coronavirus - "Living in Limbo"
- Poems from English Writing 3C
- YFCC - Arvo's at the Junction
- School Holiday Program
Term 2 presented many challenges and our students have proven to be extremely resilient in adapting to uncertainty. After starting Term 2 learning from home we were able to resume studies on site, maintain a focus on learning and complete the Mid-Year Assessment Period as planned.
I congratulate Don College staff on their flexibility and adaptability as well. Teaching students at home, at school and in a combination of both has created a greater workload for our staff. Despite this, our staff have remained focussed on student learning and provided the best educational programs they could in the circumstances.
We have achieved quantum bounds in the development of staff skills and confidence in teaching on-line. Whilst we believe on-line learning itself is a second best option, the use of these technologies can enhance traditional face-to-face learning. Our current students, who have grown up in the digital era, are generally more comfortable operating in this digital world and we thank them for the patience, understanding and the assistance they provided for our teachers.
As we move in to Term 3 we will continue to implement a range of COVID-19 related operational strategies that maintain the safety of our learning environment. The North West Coast started Term 2 in a dire situation but due to the respect our local community demonstrated toward each other and the high level of compliance from all community members, the whole of Tasmania is now in an enviable situation.
We wish all students, staff and families a safe and restful holiday period. We look forward to working with our students again in Term 3.
John Thompson
20 Jul 2020
20 Jul 2020
20 Jul 2020
It's that time when we turn our thoughts to what's coming up next year. Enrolment for 2021 will soon begin. Transition teams from Don College will soon be in touch with our local high schools to get this process started and work with students to make informed decisions about their future pathways.
In the meanwhile there is some information on the Don website about the courses we offer (close to 120) and the DoE Course Guides for Year 11 & 12 students. There is also information on Vocational Education & Training (VET) course through that link as well.
You can get to this information through the Enrolment 2021 link on our homepage or directly by going to:
2020 External Exam Adjustments – Are now available on the TASC website at
These adjustments will be discussed in class and students can also find this information by accessing the ‘supporting documents’ tab for the latest changes to their courses. Sample questions for some level 3/4 courses will also be available shortly if the exam is significantly different to previous years.
Information for Students
TASC has developed student and parent focused information to support schools in their communication regarding TASC courses, qualifications and external assessment at the following links.
TASC Information for Students – External Assessments
Frequently asked Questions
Hospitality - Restaurant and Café Service Update
In Term 3 Hospitality classes will start service in the restaurant and café at lunch time. As the COVID-19 restrictions are lifting a small number of staff and students can now dine in.
Takeaways available too.
Service will usually be Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Please keep an eye on the memo notices for menus and times. YUMMO :)
Here are some images of delicious-ness that has been made by our students in recent times both at college and at home......

Food, Cooking and Nutrition 2C
Students were given a mystery bag of ingredients and the challenge to create a dish using these. They were assessed on their use of ingredients, taste, aroma, creativity and presentation. All groups did a fantastic job!
Health and Wellbeing - Holiday Reset
Do you feel as though your life is full of course deadlines, study, presentations, exams, social pressure and you would like to switch off for a while or have help falling asleep quicker?
Why not use the holidays to help reset your body clock!
Check out these free apps (some with in app purchases)
Smiling minds – Smiling Mind is a unique tool developed by psychologists and educators to help bring balance to your life
Headspace – Headspace will help you focus, breathe, stay calm, perform at your best, and get a better night's rest through the life-changing skills of relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness.
Relax Melodies - a sleep-aid app uniquely designed to help you find your own combination of sounds & music to assist you to unwind & fall asleep easier
Sleep Cycle - Sleep better and wake up feeling rested with Sleep Cycle’s smart alarm clock. The tracker analyses your sleep patterns from bedtime to morning. Sleep Cycle’s intelligent alarm clock, designed to gently wake you up while you’re in your lightest sleep phase.
Pzizz – relaxing sounds and music for sleep
Slumber - offers a combination of experiences to help you fall asleep, whether it's meditation focused or a six-part bedtime story series
Relax & sleep well - an experienced hypnotherapist offers hypnotherapy and meditation recordings to address insomnia, stress, anxiety, sleep, and many more.
Sleep Time - Learn to fall asleep quicker and wake up feeling refreshed by understanding your sleep cycles and sleep quality.
Remember the school nurse is available Mon, Tues & alternate Wednesdays in B201 if you need to talk to someone. No appointment necessary, it’s free and confidential.
UNICEF - Coronavirus - "Living in Limbo"
UNICEF Report ‘Living in Limbo’
Click on the image below to access a summary of the report and to download the report itself.
Students from the English Writing class have been trying their hand at ekphrastic poetry. This is a type of poetry which is inspired by another work of art, such as a painting, drawing or photo. Some responses reflected on what the artist may have been thinking when producing the work, while others spun out possible stories and events from the image, such as Mikaela Willett’s “Behind a Queen of Drag”. Some delved into the thoughts of someone in the painting, such as the little man contemplating his nonsensical world in Xavier Carter’s “Waterfall”.
Photo: Diane Arbus, Three Female Impersonators, 1962, Art Gallery of Ontario
Behind A Queen of Drag
Part One
His eyes stare
right through the soul of all he entrances,
stripping them bare
dissecting their glances and hushed words.
Standing tall, shoulders squared,
lips pursed: holding his tongue.
He steels himself to the disappointment,
to all who tell him not to be.
Trapped behind the thick mascara and heavy foundation,
lost in the image of drag,
never with his own name.
Arms held firm,
support at his sides.
In a dressing room,
where they show themselves unapologetically.
Ever strong in the spotlight,
with his family, chosen.
“It’s time”
Part Two
Warm beer in his hands,
footy on the screen,
slouched in his worn brown chair.
Mumblings of annoyance.
His hand lifts
scratching at the stubble of his tired face.
Eyes flicker
to the photo frame faced down on the corner table.
A sigh.
The weight of a boy in a pirate costume,
laying heavy on the mind of
a fathers naivety.
Made to disappear,
yet still ever present,
the ghost of his boy,
haunting him now as the man he became.
Blue lights of the screen like bulbs around a mirror.
Mikaela Willett
My life is built on what you
see as an impossibility,
the waterwheel spinning in a perfect loop.
My wife hangs our washing
from the walls, corners, and curves I spent years shaping,
all while the missus thought I was mad.
Though something seems wrong.
When taught in schools, as young children,
of forwards, back,
left, right,
up, down,
what goes up must come down,
but the water flows,
like a bird flying without wings,
like a knight jousting without a horse.
Even if you asked me,
I couldn’t explain how I did this,
though I am the creator,
the mastermind behind this.
The world I live in makes no sense,
created by a faulty god,
like a puzzle with missing pieces.
The geometric marvels atop the waterway,
are no longer the centre of attention,
nor the perfect shelves of crops,
It is the waterway that refuses logic,
the water that falls without reason.
All I can do is admire,
my construct of broken promises.
I look up at my wife.
She gives me a small smile,
and a loving wave,
unburdened by these thoughts.
Xavier Carter